No Queues At His Throne
Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them… Matthew 19:13–14
In this hectic, everybody-for-himself world that we live in, your friends and colleagues may not have time for you. Sometimes, even your loved ones may not have time for you. But don’t despair—Jesus always has time for you! Whether you come to Him at noon, in the night or in the wee hours of the morning, He has time for you!
“But Pastor Prince, there are millions of believers on this planet vying for His time!”
My friend, God being God lives outside of time. Whenever you come to His throne of grace, it’s as if you are the only child there—you have His undivided attention, love and care! You’ll never find a crowd there and Jesus telling you, “Take a queue number and wait for your turn.”
So what is troubling you today? Do you have a pressing need to bring to Him or do you just want to pour your heart out to Him? Whatever your need is, just go to Him right now like a little child. He has all the time to listen to you, provide for every one of your needs and love you into wholeness! Amen!!!