SCRIPTURE”: But speaking the truth in love,”may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ”: Ephesians 4:15


THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Do not struggle to create impressions; struggle to give expression to what God has put inside you.


Yesterday,”we saw that lie leads to untimely death; it killed the messenger that brought false information to David. We also saw that the absence of truth is the absence of the Spirit of God; existing in falsehood is attracting the activity of the enemy; there can be no triumph in life without truth; truth guarantees longevity and lasting result.


The question is, what is the therapy for the lifestyle of insincerity and falsehood?
i) Insist on the truth
Insist on the truth whatever it may cost you. Anything truth cannot give you, you don’t need it. There is something better you can get with the truth that the devil wants you to trade away through falsehood. Insist on the truth.


ii) Never attempt to make impressions
Give expression to what God has put inside you. You have nobody to impress. Do not struggle to create impressions; struggle to give expression to what God has put inside you.


iii) Repent promptly of falsehood
Every time you notice that you said something that is not true or you acted in ways that were not sincere, repent promptly. If you have a conscience that is alive, you will know; if your relationship with God is buoyant, you will know. Do not sleep over a lie because no one knows when Jesus will come.


Beloved, my counsel is, insist on the truth at all cost.


Remember this”: Do not struggle to create impressions; struggle to give expression to what God has put inside you.


1. Insist on the truth always no matter the cost.
2. Give expressions to God’s deposits in you.
3. Repent promptly and put yourself in check always.


PRAYER: O Lord,”I receive the grace to speak and insist on the truth always. I receive Your Help to give expression to what You have put inside me, Lord, in Jesus’