Taxi please take us to church” the taxi driver looked at Martins and his family and said “your money na 1000 Naira” they haggled back and forth until they agreed at a price.
Martins needed a car badly, he was spending a fortune on taxis and there were times when he and his family would be drenched under the rain because they couldn’t find a taxi. He had been praying about it but nothing seemed to happen until he came across a scripture in the bible that says Isaiah 61;7 (KJV) For your shame ye shall have double.
Martins had faced a lot of shame for not having a car, many times, water got splashed on him and he had to go back home to change his clothes, he had to rely on friends to pick him up and take him where he needed to go sometimes. It was quite difficult to move around without a car.
When Martins saw that scripture in the bible, he was excited and he told his wife that they could believe God for 2 cars instead of one car so they started buying things they needed for 2 cars; they got steering covers and a car seat for their baby then they began to thank God for their cars.
Martins wanted 2 Mercedes Benz cars; a black C Class 2010 for himself and a wine GLK 2010 for his wife. Both cars cost a little fortune but the bible had said they could believe for double! So they believed the word of God.
Martins was waiting for a taxi one morning when he saw an elderly man trying to change tyres for his car. He approached the man, pulled his suit and helped to change the tyres. The man looked at him and said “my son, I am Dr. Nelson, thank you so much, many people have been passing but you were the only one that stopped, I want to reward you, come to my house”
After work, Martins went to see Dr. Nelson and the man asked what he could do for him, Martins did not know what to say, Dr. Nelson then said, ” I notice you don’t have a car, do you like Mercedes?” Martins’ eyes popped open and he began to tell the man how they had been believing God for two Mercedes Benz cars.
Dr Nelson laughed and said ” your dreams just came true, I am the sole dealer of Mercedes in Nigeria and I have just the 2 cars you want. I will give you the 2 cars.
Martins started crying, Dr. Nelson told him ” you remind me of my son that died 2 years ago and those cars were part of the presents he got as wedding gifts”.
Martins drove the C Class and he got someone to drive the GLK home. His wife saw the cars and said “who are they for?” He handed her the key to her GLK but she didn’t believe until he told her the whole story. Martins and his wife got on their knees and began to praise God for His goodness and mercies.
Beloved, what have you suffered or what are those things that have caused you shame? God said you can believe him for DOUBLE! Have you been living in a one bedroom for many years? God said you can believe Him for a 3 bedroom, have you been relegated at your office for many years? God said you can believe Him for double promotion, have you been without children for a long time? God said you can believe Him for twins!
When God comes late, it’s because He wants to come big! Don’t think of how it will happen, don’t think of the circumstances around you just BELIEVE and thank God for DOUBLE. It will happen, wait for it, it’s coming!
My 20 year dream is to see the Gospel preached to a billion people through the social media. You too can be a social media evangelist, kindly share and repost this Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others can be blessed just like you have been Blessed.
May you have double portion this month of December.
In Jesus Name