*I Will Hope In God*

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God. (Psalm 42:5-6)


There are many times when my soul is cast down. My heart feels heavy when the oppressive circumstances of life weigh my soul down, like a heavy, immoveable anchor. There are times when it seems like the darkness will not lift and the fog will not dispel. There are times when my soul is in turmoil, whipped about like a wave on a stormy sea. There is no peace or rest for me when my soul is in turmoil. I cannot serve you effectively when my life is in turmoil. I need your peace, your rest, your joy. Only you can give me true peace in the midst of trials. When I am cast down and in turmoil, lift my eyes to you.

When I am pressed on every side, take my eyes off of my circumstances and fix them on you. Take my eyes off of the waves that are crashing around me, and fix them firmly on you and your unchangeable character. Keep me from steeping in the poison of self pity, and from wallowing in the pit of doubt. When my soul is cast down, I will not let it stay there. I will hope in you! When my heart is in turmoil, I will not let it stay there. I will trust in you! Help me to speak truth to my soul instead of listening to the lies of Satan. Help me to remember your promises instead of allowing doubt and dismay to fester in my heart.

I know that I will praise you again. I know that I will again sing songs of joy and delight to you. I know that the darkness will not haunt me forever. I know that I will not always be cast down and in turmoil. You have been faithful to me every step thus far, and you will continue to be faithful to me every step that I take.

Lord, you are my salvation. I will not hope in a set of circumstances I envision for the future. I will not hope in what I can see or imagine. Rather, I will hope in you, and in your salvation. I may not be able to see how you will deliver me, but I know that you will deliver me. You have always been my faithful God, and you will continue to be my faithful God.