Why We Do What We Do

The Bayo Fatusin Foundation is a non-Governmental, non-profit organization following the word of God.

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Who We Are

The Bayo Fatusin Foundation is a non-Governmental, non-profit organization following the word of God.

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What We Do

The Bayo Fatusin Foundation is a non-Governmental, non-profit organization following the word of God.

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Past Events


2109, 2024

Our Daily Bread For September 21, 2024.

God’s Heart Revealed “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” John 14:9 How do you know it is God’s will to heal you? Just look at what Jesus did during His earthly ministry. [...]

1909, 2024

Our Daily Bread For September 19, 2024.

Find Friends Who Can Carry You Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. Mark 2:3 Sometimes it is difficult for us to have faith when we are on [...]